Hockey Edmonton Elite Stream Boundaries

At the March 19, 2020 meeting the Hockey Edmonton Board of Directors approved recommendations of the Elite Hockey Management Committee (EHMC) regarding boundaries (draw zones) for the Male Elite Stream categories of play (AAA and AA). Key aspects of the decision include:

  • Knights of Columbus will now have defined territory, in the same manner as CAC, MLAC, and SSAC.
  • Equitable draw zones for Male Elite Stream (AAA & AA teams). Specifically, in terms of:
    • Registered players per draw zone.
    • Male athletes playing in Tier 3 and Higher in U11 through U18 divisions of play.
  • A commitment to review draw zones every two (2) seasons.
  • A one time, transitional / grandfathering option for Edmonton resident players who played on an Edmonton Male Athletic Club team in 2019-20.
  • The new boundaries will apply for Male AAA & AA categories and teams ONLY.
  • At this time, community hockey boundaries used by Districts and Operating Areas have not changed.

The following information includes a summary, the rationale, and outline of the new boundaries and also why they will apply to U13 AA. 


Male Elite Hockey Boundaries by Community:  


Male Elite Stream (AAA & AA) Boundaries:

Inequitable draw zones and player registrations have hampered our four (4) Male Athletic Clubs from operating the same number of teams in each division and category of play as well as impacting competitiveness, in part, given inequities in terms of size of player pools for some time. Inequitable draw zones also create unequal opportunities for players striving to play AAA & AA hockey and in effect penalize players who happen to live within one of the larger current draw zones.

In the fall of 2018, the Athletic Club presidents agreed in principle on a few key concepts that would allow for movement towards equitable draw zones for the clubs, specifically: 

  1. The need to establish four distinct AAA & AA (or ‘club’) draw zones where KC Hockey would have defined territory as opposed to a city-wide draw;
  2. That given Edmonton population dynamics that any new boundary system would be specific to the Elite Stream in Edmonton. Likely, as in Calgary Elite Hockey, tradition will change, and Districts / Operating Areas may no longer be aligned with a single Athletic Club;
  3. On a rudimentary mapping of the city that would be subject to a rigorous review of registration data to ensure that each boundary would reflect a reasonably similar number of total registrants and of similar caliber of play; and
  4. On a commitment to review the draw zones every second season and modify as required to maintain equitable draw zones.

These four concepts were an integral component of the agenda report presented to and approved by the Board on February 13, 2019.

Since then, drawing upon the learnings of two previous committees charged with elite committee boundary review and discussion of some additional new concepts, the Elite Hockey Management Committee (EHMC) determined the best option to move forward was to base boundaries on City of Edmonton Communities / Neighborhoods as portrayed in the City of Edmonton Wards maps.

Total male registration numbers as well as Male registration numbers for athletes in U11 through U18 Tiers 3 and above were key parameters considered when developing the proposed equitable draw zones for Male Elite Hockey. The formation of the new draw zones will achieve the first ADM directive of creating equitable draw zones and position the committee and clubs to tackle the final requirement of improving the feeder system.


U13 AA Update: 

  • Two years ago, a sub-committee was struck to determine the best operational model for U13 AA hockey within Edmonton, in part given the emergence of the Hockey Alberta AA Model.
  • At the April 2019 General Meeting the board received the report of the committee and carried motions where 2019-20 U13 AA teams were to be formed and operated in the same manner in 2019-20 with a full transition to Athletic Club operation in 2020-21.
  • SSAC and MLAC will transition to operation of U13 AA in their clubs for the 2020-21 season (joining CAC and KC who are currently operating in this manner) with players coming from the approved Male Elite Hockey draw zones.
  • U13 AA players who played for KC and CAC in 2019-20 are eligible for the transitional / grandfathering provisions outlined above.
  • U13 1 through 6 will continue to be operated within the traditional community hockey model(s) with players coming from the approved community hockey draw zones.


Community Hockey:

  • As stated previously, be assured that player registration and team formation in TIMBITS through U18 Community Hockey programs operated by Districts and Operating areas are not affected by the changes to the Male Elite Hockey Boundaries.
  • In most instances, relationships and processes such as player affiliation between Athletic Clubs and Districts and Operating Areas become a little more complex. 


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